Every Little Helps


Every little helps, see what a big difference even a small contribution makes

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The Value of Rice

Today, a 50kg bag of rice in Sierra Leone costs 240,000 Leones
($40 AUD)

Rice is the staple food in Sierra Leone.
One bag will feed a family of four for the month.

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Cost to feed one child

The cost to feed one child in Sierra Leone each month is 180,000 Leones
($30 AUD)

Malnutrition in Sierra Leone is one of the highest in the world. 46 percent of child deaths in Sierra Leone are attributed to malnutrition.

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Rainwear for 1 child

Help keep a child dry. The cost to purchase a raincoat and plastic sandals for one child
($25 AUD)

Walking to school or getting about is a challenge when it’s the rainy season. 

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Please indicate what it is you are donating for, by letting us know in the comments box on the donation form. Thank you


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