Give an Opportunity

to a child like Amina

Our Mission

To empower children and youth in Sierra Leone by providing them with opportunities for growth and development

Our Vision

A world where every child, regardless of their background or financial status, has equal access to the resources and support they need to reach their full potential. We believe that education is the key to unlocking a brighter future for all, and it is our mission to make this vision a reality. Through our efforts, we strive to help create a more equitable and sustainable world where all children have the chance to succeed and thrive.

What We Do

The Fig Tree Children has been making a positive impact on the lives of children and youth in Sierra Leone since September 2015. Our efforts provide resources that allow carers to support and educate their children.

The devastating Ebola outbreak compounded the already dire situation faced by the country, which had already been ravaged by a decade-long civil war. The epidemic left an estimated 12,000 children orphaned, with many of them facing exploitation, discrimination, and the threat of human trafficking.

Our efforts are focused on Sierra Leone where we provide support to the sponsored child’s carer and pay school fees directly to the schools their children attend. We believe in providing these young ones with the best possible education and support so that they may overcome their difficult circumstances and reach their full potential.


photo © The Fig Tree Children – a Christmas day trip to River No.2 Beach

 Our Story

The Fig Tree Children is a non-profit organisation based in Brisbane, started by Jane Shakespeare in 2015 with the goal of supporting orphaned and vulnerable children and youth in Sierra Leone. Jane’s journey with TFTC began with a trip to Sierra Leone in February 2006, where she sought to understand the impact of microcredit initiatives on women’s lives.

The impact of the ten-year civil war, which ended in 2002, was very apparent. There were many orphans and young people displaced, living on the streets and in need of care and support.

Many of these children were taken in by extended family members, friends, or members of their communities who opened their homes and hearts to these displaced children, despite the challenges these carers faced in providing for their own families.

With Peter’s support, Jane established The Fig Tree Children, with a focus on supporting these carers and providing the children in their care with access to education and a brighter future. The organisation continues to work towards this goal, striving to give children the opportunity to succeed and thrive.

Photo ©️ The Fig Tree Children: Jane in Funkia Town, Sierra Leone at a workshop run by Dr Greg Mews from University of the Sunshine Coast, Dreamtown and Youth Dream Centre, Nov 2022

Different ways you can help

Give a child an opportunity today

Become a supporter of an orphaned or vulnerable child or youth in Sierra Leone today. For just AUD$53 per month, you can provide a world of opportunity and support. Your contribution will cover their school fees, and provide them with all the necessary materials, including a uniform, backpack, books, writing utensils, shoes, and more. Additionally, your support will also provide monthly assistance to the child’s carer.

Beyond the classroom, these children also benefit from opportunities to socialise and play with their peers through organised outings and activities. Our programs also extend a helping hand by providing essential items, such as comfortable bedding, insecticide-treated mosquito nets, necessary medical supplies, food, clothing, hygiene kits, radios for remote learning, sanitary products, Veronika buckets, etc.

Buy one girl a year's supply of Sanitary Pads

Help us provide a girl in Sierra Leone with a year's worth of sanitary pads, either reusable or disposable depending on her preference and situation, for just $30 AUD ($17 GBP).

Unfortunately, many girls in Sierra Leone can't afford sanitary pads and have to resort to using scraps of cloth, called "pieces", which can lead to unreliable and unsanitary conditions during their menstrual cycles.

The Fig Tree Ambassador Programme

Become a Fig Tree Ambassador by making a regular donation. Monthly donations are so important to us – and so deeply appreciated. Those crucial regular contributions, no matter how small, allow us to plan our work with greater certainty. Our three Ambassador levels are:

$10 AUD per month – Bronze

$15 AUD per month – Silver

$25 AUD per month – Gold

Our Target: 100 Ambassadors!

Emergency Medical Fund

When illness strikes children or their guardians, we aim to offer support. Our goal is to ensure they receive proper medical attention from a qualified healthcare professional, covering the costs of any necessary treatments or medications. A recent example of this support was when a child was burned in a pot of boiling water. Our in-country program manager worked with Fig Tree Children Funding to secure the medical attention the child needed and they are now recovering well. Another case involved a boy who required an appendix removal surgery, which was funded by donors of The Fig Tree Children.

Become a Volunteer Today

Have you ever wanted to directly make a difference and give an opportunity to a child living in one of the poorest countries in the world but can’t commit to donating financially? Volunteering your time to help The Fig Tree Children is another way you can make a real difference. Contact us to find out more.

Contact us

We’ve Raised Over $435,000

85% of funds raised are for the direct benefit of the children in the Fig Tree programme. We pay school fees directly to the school each of the children attends, buy school materials (uniform, shoes, bag, books, pens, pencils, etc) and give the child’s carer a monthly allowance to help them provide for the child in their care. See all of our financial reports here.

No donation is too small

We are currently providing opportunities for 85 children and youth in Sierra Leone

These children are located in Allentown, Freetown, Bo, Makeni, Newton, Waterloo and Kenema. We want to be able to reach out to children who are living even more remotely. Unfortunately, at this time, our resources do not allow us to travel further afield than we already do.


Photo ©️ The Fig Tree Children: one of our beneficiaries in school

Our blog

Research and experiences from our work in Sierra Leone

The Fig Tree Giving Guide 2024

The Fig Tree Giving Guide 2024

Make gift-giving meaningful: With gifts that show you careIntroducing our 2024 Giving Guide! Finding the perfect gift can be challenging, especially for those who seem to have everything. That's where The Giving Guide comes in. Discover a selection...

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The Giving Guide 2021

The Giving Guide 2021

Make gift-giving meaningful: With gifts that show you careIt can be so hard to think of good present ideas – especially for someone that seems to have it all! That’s why we’ve put together The Giving Guide. The Giving Guide highlights just a few of...

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Capabilities Approach

Capabilities Approach

Work from development economists can be difficult for any layman to remember, particularly because there is still so much unnecessary poverty and suffering in this world. There is, however, the theory entitled The Capabilities Approach that,...

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Freetown Landslide

Freetown Landslide

A lot can happen in three years, especially in the eyes of a child. In Freetown, this is an understatement. On the 14 of August 2017 the citizens of Freetown had experienced the impacts of a devastating landslide that left over 1,000 people dead or...

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A day in the life of Christiana

A day in the life of Christiana

Christiana*Let’s spend a day with Christiana. Christiana lives with her father and brother, Peter. Her father had to stay at home to care for Peter after his son got sick, and as a result, he lost his job as a driver. His wife (the children’s...

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World Children’s Day

World Children’s Day

Encourage Change this World Children’s Day: November 20, 2020November 20 is a significant historical date for children, their wellbeing and safety worldwide. With the UN General Assembly adopting both the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and...

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ZONTA Club of Brisbane Metro Breakfast

Corporate Sponsors

ZONTA Club of Brisbane Metro Breakfast

Oh my goodness!!! You guys are in for one hell of a treat! Our raffle has grown heaps over the last few days…

I hope you’ve all got your raffle tickets (can also be purchased on the night), the prizes for this event are amazing!

A huge thank you to Karen Bessell from @ucreateartstudio for the bubbles, chocolates and two sip n paint vouchers. What a wonderful prize! Whoever wins this is going to be over the moon 🥰

Have you booked your tickets yet? If not, you can book here:

See you there!

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For anyone who has tried @sweetmildspicy products, you will appreciate what a great raffle prize these products donated by Tracy truly are. Thank you Tracy, we are so grateful🙏🏻🧡✨

Have you booked yet for our Christmas in July event this Friday? Book now and win amazing raffle prizes!

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One of the amazing and talented Fig Tree Children’s sponsors, Melanie Lee, has knitted this gorgeous doll for one of our awesome raffle prizes. Whoever wins her is going to be so delighted, she’s just adorable 🥰

I think we need to give her a name. Any ideas?

Thank you Mel, I can’t tell you how delighted, humbled and grateful we are that you went out of your way, in such a busy schedule, to hand make this beautiful doll for us, she’s so gorgeous! We love her 🙏🏻🧡✨

The thing is peeps, you need to be in it to win it… have you booked your tickets yet?

Can’t join us, but would still like to enter our raffle? Both event and raffle tickets can be booked through this link:

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We’re all about giving kids and young people in Sierra Leone the chance to grow and thrive. It’s amazing how even the smallest acts of kindness, support, or donations can greatly impact these young lives. 🌈

Just imagine the difference you can make by becoming an ambassador or donor. Your support can help bridge the gap and ensure every child, regardless of their situation, gets the resources they need to reach their full potential. 🌟

Your kindness can light up their path, turning dreams into reality and transforming futures. Together, we can create a fair and sustainable world where all kids have the opportunity to succeed and shine. 💖

Join us in this mission! Be a beacon of hope and a catalyst for change. Click the link in our bio to find out more about how you can get involved. 🌱

#EmpowerChildren #SpreadKindness #ThriveTogether #SierraLeone #BeTheChange

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Throwback to their beach day last April. 🏖️

Their smiles say it all—thank you for making this day of happiness and fun possible. 💙

#UnforgettableMoments #PureJoy #beachdaybliss #thefigtreechildren

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Get in Touch. Get Involved.

Please contact us using the contact methods below. Thank you

PO Box 736, Paddington Queensland 4064

Call Us: +61 431 895 733

    Contact us

    We acknowledge the First Nations People of Australia as the custodians and traditional owners of the land from which we advocate for improving access to quality education for and providing opportunities for orphaned and vulnerable children and youths (male and female) in Sierra Leone. We pay our respect to Indigenous Elders, past, present and emerging, and acknowledge and uphold their continuing relationship to this land. This is, was and always will be Aboriginal land.
